Hi, everyone...and welcome to our first blog post!
Well, unless you've been talking to me personally, been in our creative meetings or can somehow read my thoughts, you probably aren't sure of what Appreciation of Artistry is all about. I suppose the name might give the gist of it away. Then there's the possibility that you've visited our website (www.AppreciationOfArtistry.com) or spent time admiring some pretty incredible works on our Facebook page, (www.Facebook.com/AppreciationOfArtistry), but what is it really and why are we doing this?
Well, Let me give you a little back story...
I've been involved in different aspects of the arts for the majority of my life: singing (as a soloist, a band member, and a cast member in musicals), piano (organ & keys), theatre, television, film, ballet, writing music and scripts, as well as producing some pretty incredible events. I didn't do it to become famous, though. I did it for the love of art. I did it because God entrusted me with these gifts and I'm not going to waste them. I still do it because creating brings me joy and seeing others genuinely enjoy the outcome is beyond gratifying. It's such an amazing sense of fulfillment!
I've worked with many incredibly talented artists. Some with aspirations of becoming famous, but many just wanting to share their gifts with the world, in the purest sense...for the appreciation of their craft and the joy it can give to others.
So, that was the first thing that popped into my mind. How can I assist other people to share their talents with the world? In the sea of social media, how can I help those without the time, money or energy to promote themselves to the public?
This was the spark. In my next blog post, I'll dive deeper into our purpose and how you can be a part. Until then, thank you so much for joining me on this journey.