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How YOU Can Help! (Part 1)

So Blog #1 gave you a little background of WHY AOA was started.

Blog #2 explained WHAT we do. Remember A.R.T.? AppreciateRecognizeTeach

Now for one of the most important pieces of Appreciation of Artistry...YOU!

What can you do to help us appreciate and recognize artists from all around the world (and in your own backyard)?

1) Become an active participant in our social media sites. You're probably on some form of social media anyway, so why not use it to do something great? Appreciate! Let me start with just two forms of social media to get you started!


a) Go to and don't just click, "LIKE". Take it a step further. After you hit that all important button. Hit the little down arrow (on the right, but in the same box). When it opens, click "See First". This will allow you to see our posts right away when you login. I know some of our fans have said that they don't always see our posts in their newsfeed. This will change that.

b) Invite your friends to like our page...especially if they love any form of art! On the desktop site, you can look to the left . Right under the spot that tells you how many people like our page, there's a place to click that says, "Invite Friends to Like This Page". Do it now! We'll wait. SIDE NOTE: In the ap, it should be one of the first things you see, before "About".

c) Now that that's done. Here's the next step. LIKE and SHARE our posts. (*) This will allow your friends to see some really great art and it will help our featured artists to be recognized in an even greater audience...the audience of YOUR friends.


a) Click on the following link (or type it in yourself)

b) Click "Follow"

c) Retweet or Quote Tweet (*)

*In all social media, you can use hashtags (#). Here are a few to choose from:

#IWasThereForTheStART (to signify that you're helping us get this business started) or you can add the genre at the end of the #AOA, like this...

#AOAMusic (and so on)

Since you don't have time to read really l-o n-g blog posts, I'm breaking this up into segments. Check back soon for "How YOU Can Help! (Part 2)" Whether you're an artist (in any genre), art enthusiast, collector or just like to help others succeed, there are so many great ways for you to partner with us here at Appreciation of Artistry. Thank you for helping us appreciate the giftedness of others.

© 2015 by Appreciation of Artistry

Based in California. Serving the world.

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