A while back a question was posed to me, "Can creativity be a learned trait?". Their follow-up question was, "Will the creative person have the upper hand?" This is how I answered...
This is an interesting question and I'm sure there could be a significant amount of debate on the matter. I believe that we all have at least some level of creativity ingrained within us, although the amount we have and the extent to which we access it differs from person to person.
We all possess different gifts that are unique to us as individuals: some of us are gifted painters, sculptors, or singers and our creativity flows into those gifts. Others may not have had the opportunity to travel down the road of creative artistic freedom and self-expression. That doesn't mean that you don't have any creativity. Your brain just isn't attuned to accessing it.
Don't get me wrong. You may never be a Van Gogh or a Rembrandt, but you can definitely hone the skills of tapping into your own personal creativity to become a more creative version of you..and into a more well-rounded individual.
Will the creative person have the upper hand? Well, it largely depends on your line of work (if that's where you were going with this). A creative person may come up with many more ideas than someone who isn't creative, but they also have to have the skills to carry out the ideas. That's where our unique gifting comes in. I think if you develop your creative instincts, however, you will fare far better than if you ignore them.